Saturday, September 24, 2011

Orange-crowned Warbler

Frank and I spent the morning shooting birds from blinds at his pond. I believe this is an Orange-crowned Warbler. It also resembles a Warbling Vireo. I mostly photograph them then look them up and lots of them look alike to me in the book. If you can confirm yea or nay on my identification please leave me a comment.

I changed the name of this bird after receiving input from a bird ID group on Flickr. Without doing a hands-on exam, I don't think anyone can tell for sure which warbler it is though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, this looks like an Orange-crowned Warbler to me for three reasons. 1- Yellow undertail coverts, 2- No yellow edges on wings and tail feathers (like the Yellow Warbler) and 3- It is pretty much nondescript other than that faint eyeline.

    A beautiful shot!
