Monday, January 31, 2011

I Prefer Red Meat!

I Prefer Red Meat!, originally uploaded by Jim Arnold (jga154).
I went to Tulelake this weekend with Frank, Garry, and Heather. We spent two days photographing in the Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and Lava Beds National Monument.

Our focus for this trip was to get photos of the numerous Bald Eagles that visit each winter. We did see some eagles but most were not close enough to photograph. This one was breakfasting on a pole our first morning. I think breakfast was an American Coot (it's a little hard to tell at this stage).

We did see about forty eagles in a field, but they were too far away. Heather also spotted a suicidal goose in the field.

We did photograph sunsets and sunrises, but they were not spectacular, as well as deer and owls.

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